
Dave Baker

Senior Vice President - Acquisitions and Forward Planning

During a career in real estate spanning more than 30 years, David Baker has gained first-hand experience in every aspect of our industry, including but not limited to, acquisition, entitlement, planning, design, engineering, construction, marketing, financing and sales. Having played a vital role in the development of communities throughout Northern California and Western Nevada, he has been deeply involved in the creation of public and private infrastructure projects ranging from schools, parks and roadways to utilities, streetlights, and drainage facilities. As a result, David has gained extensive experience in the formation of Benefit Districts, CFD’s, Mello and Mark Roos Districts, LLD’s, CSA’s and many other types of public financing vehicles.  He has also worked closely with a myriad of Federal, State and local agencies to secure permits and approvals critical to the timely development of most projects. Among these agencies are the following:

  • US Department of Fish and Wildlife

  • CA Department of Fish and Wildlife

  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 

  • Regional Water Quality Control Boards

  • Bay Air Quality Management District 

  • CA Department of Toxic Substances Control

  • CA-DRE 

  • Numerous Water Districts, including CCWD, PCWA, SID, EBMUD & TMWA

  • Numerous Utility Districts 

  • Multiple District School Boards

  • Contra Costa LAFCO 

  • CA State Legislature  

  • CA State Department of Transportation

  • CA State Department of Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas and Geothermal Resources Mineral Rights – Executed quitclaims and abandonment of oil and gas wells; Division of Geology Alquist Priolo Earthquake Zones – Successfully removed fault line designations from Property Map. 

Past employers include Brown and Root Construction, Suncrest Land Development and O’Brien Homes. In addition to developing numerous projects for his own company, David has successfully served many clients over the years including Kaufman and Broad, Signature Properties, Landsea Holdings, Ocean Colony Partners, Leighton Homes, Matken Properties, Sierra College, Black Diamond Land, and Sacramento Natural Gas Storage. David is responsible for the acquisition, entitlement and/or approval of more than 8000 residential units. He earned his B.Sc from the University of California, Davis and his MBA from Golden Gate University. He holds both a California Real Estate Broker’s License and a California Contractor’s License. He is the recipient of the Golden Gate University Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award, a past Panel Member at meetings of the American Planning Association, and a guest speaker at Stanford University and the Bay Area Council. At New Albion Group, David serves as the Senior Vice President of Acquisition and Development.